To order for 2025 - 2026 select a product below OR download an order form.
NEW! 1 subscription, 3 reading levels: Beginning in August 2023, all News4Youth articles are available in 3 reading levels to allow for differentiated learning experiences for all students:
Level 1 (FK 4-5/Lexile 610-800)
Level 2 (FK7-8/Lexile 810-1000)
Level 3 (FK 9-11/Lexile 1010-1200) / is an engaging, online interactive current events resource for students in grades 3 and up.

The Canadian Reader
The Canadian Reader / Nos Nouvelles is a classroom-ready current events resource for students in grades 3 and up

What in the World?
What in the World? / Le Monde en Marche is a photocopiable current events resource for Canadian students in grades 5 - 10.

Current Collections
New! Popular lesson plan series and articles previously published in What in the World? and The Canadian Reader for purchase.

Building Bridges
(NEW!) Building Bridges/Bâtir des ponts is a photocopiable current events resource for students grades 5 and up.